Saturday, 14 September 2019

Week 8

Another set of tunes...  Another 1 2 2 again.  Impossible to choose just one video Pussycat and the Dirty Johnsons and One-Eyed Doll.  One-Eyed Doll have a lot of different stuff, if you like the two below I'd suggest checking out Nudie Bar, I'm A Vampire and Airplane Man to see how different they can be.  Going from goth to ballad via comedy.

Bobot Adrenaline - Penalty Box
Yup,THAW (Tony Hawk's American Wasteland to those who don't know)will recognise this one. The THPS games have had some great tunes (Primus, Mad Capsule Markets to name just two) but this one is my favourite.  I wasn't as keen on THAW as I was on the previous games (THPS3 and THUG being my favourites) but the songs were excellent again.

Pussycat and the Dirty Johnsons - Ain't No Pussy
I just learned about this group last year and they quickly became a favourite.  Puss is a weirdo and I absolutely love it.

Pussycat and the Dirty Johnsons - Trouble with the Devil
Got to include this one aswell.

One Eyed Doll - Committed
I can't remember where I first discovered One-Eyed Doll but this has a lot of stuff I love.  It's probably worrying that I can identify with these weirdos more than the rest of the human race.

Kimberly Freeman (of One-Eyed Doll) - Amnesia
Here's a completely different song by Kimberly.  She's got a great voice.  Such a poignant song.

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