Saturday, 28 September 2019

Week 10

Another week flies by and here's another set of tunes.  I decided a few weeks ago that as I'd probably be listening to these around this time that I might as well post them.  In a way I've been dreading this post but it's been good.

This time of year is usually a gamut of emotions for me so here's a set of very personal songs to me.  Not going to say why as you'll kinda get an idea from the songs themselves.  All I will say is that the last one was perfect for me in almost every aspect of it.  Still is but to a much lesser degree nowadays.

Marilyn Manson - Man That You Fear

Christina Aguilera - Fighter

Christina Aguilera - Beautiful

Alice In Chains - Down In A Hole (Unplugged)

The Cure - Burn

Steam Powered Giraffe - Honeybee

Steam Powered Giraffe - Malfunction

Nine Inch Nails - The Becoming (Still)

Saturday, 21 September 2019

Week 9

A bit later than usual this week.  Had a bit of a bad day yesterday and it's kinda rolled over to today.

After seeing a tweet last night I decided to do a few film tunes this week.  Didn't realise they'd all be horror until I'd made my choices.

Goblin - Deep Red (aka Profondo Rosso) Theme

The fact that Deep Red is my favourite Argento film it's kinda given that this would be my favourite of Goblin's themes.

Goblin - School at Night (Lullaby - Child Version) from Deep Red
Another tune from Deep Red that keeps popping in my head now and then.  Once I start humming it I can never get rid of it!  Love it.  Very orchestral.

The Gonk - Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Unlike the rest of the score this is jolly muzak and just brilliant.

The Exorcist - Fantasia for Strings
I probably watch The Exorcist every couple of years.  Had it on VHS, then the limited edition VHS with the novel, then on DVD, then the "The Version You've Never Seen" on DVD, then the 5 film DVD set, then again on Bluray.  I still have all of them except the first VHS I had.  Also got two versions of the OST.  I'm a bit obsessive about some things I suppose lol.  I guess this OST is where I got my love for different sounds which made me really appreciate and like the Silent Hill OSTs.  Anyways, here's the end credits theme.  I was thinking of posting one of the other songs but it's probably a bit too weird and this one is the one I like more anyways.

The Thing - Humanity Part 2
Simple.  Ominous.  Classic.  Pure John Carpenter.

Saturday, 14 September 2019

Week 8

Another set of tunes...  Another 1 2 2 again.  Impossible to choose just one video Pussycat and the Dirty Johnsons and One-Eyed Doll.  One-Eyed Doll have a lot of different stuff, if you like the two below I'd suggest checking out Nudie Bar, I'm A Vampire and Airplane Man to see how different they can be.  Going from goth to ballad via comedy.

Bobot Adrenaline - Penalty Box
Yup,THAW (Tony Hawk's American Wasteland to those who don't know)will recognise this one. The THPS games have had some great tunes (Primus, Mad Capsule Markets to name just two) but this one is my favourite.  I wasn't as keen on THAW as I was on the previous games (THPS3 and THUG being my favourites) but the songs were excellent again.

Pussycat and the Dirty Johnsons - Ain't No Pussy
I just learned about this group last year and they quickly became a favourite.  Puss is a weirdo and I absolutely love it.

Pussycat and the Dirty Johnsons - Trouble with the Devil
Got to include this one aswell.

One Eyed Doll - Committed
I can't remember where I first discovered One-Eyed Doll but this has a lot of stuff I love.  It's probably worrying that I can identify with these weirdos more than the rest of the human race.

Kimberly Freeman (of One-Eyed Doll) - Amnesia
Here's a completely different song by Kimberly.  She's got a great voice.  Such a poignant song.

Saturday, 7 September 2019

Seventh week of tunes

Hopefully some tunes you'll have not heard before.  Not really favourites this week, but songs I do play fairly often.  I was going to do 5 different bands this week but have been feeling a bit shit again for most of the week so I thought I'd just do a 1 2 2 again.  One of the other bands I was thinking about might be next week.  Depends if I can find the CDs I have.

Moist - Push
This was reasonably popular in 1995 in the UK. I liked the song, but the album (their debut - Silver) was a bit too bland.

Drain STH - I Don't Mind
I first heard about Drain STH being a Swedish Alice in Chains but not as depressing.  I guess that was a good way to describe them, but they're definitely standing on their own.

Drain STH - Crack The Liar's Smile
Another song from the same album (Horror Wrestling).  Really like the way they've used an acoustic guitar for the main riff, gives it a different feeling.

Haggard Cat - Bad News (Travels Fast)
This was the first song I'd heard by the Nottingham duo.  It's just disjointed thrash that's surprisingly catchy.  Love how unconventional it is.  Very quickly became a favourite band.

Haggard Cat - American Graffiti
Another one from the same album (Challenger).  This one is a bit more palatable but still unistakably them.