Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Replacing turntable belt

I finally got round to replacing the turntable belt on my 80's Pioneer hi-fi.

My parents bought this in the early 90s.  I think I inherited it from them 15 years ago when they got a smaller one that could play from a network and ditch the turntable.  Amazingly this is the first time it's ever needed repairing.  Thankfully it's only the turntable belt that needs replacing.  So here goes...

The first thing to do is remove the rubber mat.

There's a small hole in the turntable itself.  This small hole lines up with a hole below it on the unit.  The left large hole is near where the sprocket is, this is where you need to hold the belt (which you'll see a bit further down).

 The turntable simply lifts off when aligned with the small hole.

Take the old belt off the and place the new one around the inner circle making sure it's not twisted.  The section I'm holding out needs to be placed over a sprocket which is on the left of the casing so make sure you hold the belt out at the large hole 90 degrees clockwise when it's upside down like I have done, or 90 anti-clockwise when the right way up.

As you put the disc back onto the unit you need to try and put the belt around the sprocket as you lower it into position.  Don't worry, it's easier than it sounds.  Make sure the belt is right in the middle and hasn't got twisted.  If you're not that dextrous then another hand can easily help.

Then simply put the rubber mat back on and enjoy.

But what to play??

I think we have a winner!!

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