The tweet in question:
So I should have a shiny new Xbox1-S tomorrow, and finally be able to catch up with current-gen gaming, so what games should I get for it once I'm done with the big hitters? I'm looking for obscurer game recommendations, indie hits you've enjoyed, etc. Ta!
Not obscure really, but here's some lesser known ones that I've been playing that no-one else seems to be playing at the moment.
Get Even.
You're trying to piece together clues from memories that you're reliving to find out who was behind a kidnapping. Some bits feel like Condemned where you're scanning certain objects or using a UV light to follow footsteps or using thermal imaging to solve a puzzle. Other bits feel like a cheap FPS that doesn't quite work the way you feel it should. Sometimes you can be stealthy, other times it's just blasting your way through.
It can never really decide what it wants to be. There are levels that take place in run down buildings where you've to bypass guards, there's a level in a high tech building where you've to steal a gun, the inbetween levels are set in a mental institute.
It's all good fun though.
Human Fall Flat
A daft wee platformer that can be done solo or multiplayer. The controls: walk, jump and grab. That's it. If you like quirky simple platform puzzlers with slightly tricky controls (think I Am Bread, Super Bunny Man, a much easier QWOP) then this is a decent buy.
Layers of Fear
This was doing the rounds a while ago now but has kinda been lost in the PT inspired stuff. It's a slow non-combat game that has some interesting mechanics. If you like freaky horror stuff then you should like this. There are a few jump scares in it, but most of the horror is in the tension, intresting stuff happening (I can't be more specific than that!) and layout of the levels rather than here a boo, there a boo, everywhere a yawn.
Guns, Gore & Cannoli
Simple side scrolling zombie platformer. Good fun but a little tricky in places (even on easy!). The only bad thing is that there's no manual aiming, you fire in the direction you're facing. Looks like they've added manual aiming to the sequel though.
Typoman: Revised
A puzzle platformer with a difference. You make words to solve problems. Absolutely loved this because of it's unique approach to puzzles. If you're good at anagrams hen this will probably be easy but it's still fun.
Now this is a marmite game. It's a first person puzzler without any talking. You've just got to interpret it what is happening yourself. It's a bit like Twin Peaks and Deadly Premonition but shorter and with no conversations. The achievements are pretty obscure as well.
Death Squared
Another puzzler. I think this was part of Games with Gold. Fun and devious.
The Turing Test
Think a slow paced less funny Portal but with electricity instead and that's pretty much it. There is a decent story in it.
Pneuma Breath of Life
What is it with me and puzzlers just now? This is another one that's good. Puzzles are based on movement or light. Made me feel like a right idiot sometimes.
Light based puzzler (oh god, not another one!). Try to reach the end of the level without burning out.
I didn't see this get as much love as Limbo but I really liked it. I thought it was better.